Hey guys and welcome to my blog. My name is Hani but some of you may know me as makeupbyhanss on social media. I am a 19 year old beauty blogger based in London studying Advertising and PR. Alongside studying for my degree, I enjoy using social media to share my make-up and reviews and socialising with others. I started out this blog as part of my production module. We were being assessed on our ability to use widgets and attach our social media to a blog about anything. Obviously me being a make-up junkie I decided to make my blog all about beauty!

I began to enjoy posting and sharing content such as the looks I create and more in-depth reviews of products as 140 characters on twitter aren’t enough! I am also only able to write as little as possible on my Instagram captions. I am so excited to start this journey with you guys and will share all my favourite products, new things I’m trying, swatches, make-up looks of the days and many more! I might even make a couple posts about my favourite TV shows that I always recommend, favourite restaurants and some random cool facts.

I started my Instagram early September, I was so hesitant to start because I was scared, but after lots of thinking I decided to go for it and I am so glad I did! I have met the most amazing people on social media so far and have had contact with some of my favourite brands! This is just the start of my journey!

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter: @makeupbyhanss

Lots of love, Hans xxx